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What's new in the DR.100 series registration list? - Year 2001

In the list below I have compiled the changes and additions to the list so that 'frequent' visitors can easily check what's new. Most of the time, I will also include part or all of the new information with links to pictures etc. where appropriate. This page has only become necessary thanks to the many e-mails I received with new information to be added to the list. Thanks to all contributors!

Number of production aircraft not accounted for: 11 as of 08 November 2000

Number of production aircraft not accounted for: 72 as of 19 Oct 2000
Number of production aircraft not accounted for: 79 as of 19 Sep 2000
Number of production aircraft not accounted for: 80 as of 13 Sep 2000
Number of production aircraft not accounted for: 86 as of 02 Jun 2000

Dates on which information about a previously unaccounted for serial number(s) was added to the list are written in bold face.

DR.100 Series Registration List History
Date Change
18 Dec 2001 According to an ad on the notice board at Kemble airfield as seen by Mike Wylde, the price for Jodel DR.1050-M1 Sicile Record G-AYYT (s/n 587) (for sale since Nov 2000, see list history entry on 18 July 2001) has been lowered to £19,000. Contact C. J. Turner.
10 Dec 2001 Added owners of most German-registered DR.100 series aircraft to the list.
07 Dec 2001 Some minor changes to the list: First and probably also last owner of DR.1050 I-RODA (s/n 362, destroyed 1976) found on Italian Spotters' Aircraft Register. Added accident report from French Authorities for homebuilt Jodel DR.1054 F-PSEB (s/n 732). And finally, the Certificate of Airworthiness for Jodel DR.100A G-ATHX (s/n 74) was cancelled by the British CAA in August, although the aircraft is said to be under repair.
29 Nov 2001 An update to the whereabout of s/n 147, last mentioned on this page on 25 June 2000, is now available: The aircraft, OE-AOT, was sometime thereafter imported to Germany and is now based at Herzogenaurach (EDHQ), Germany, as D-EAOT. After some work, this very original DR.1050 is now again in flying condition. A photo in its current livery was also added to the list entry for this aircraft.
29 Nov 2001 Two more DR.100 series aircraft are for sale on F-BIVI, s/n 65, owned by Bruno Spagnoli and based at Bagneres-de-Luchon (France) and the only production-DR.1050 in Australia: VH-JJM, s/n 141. This aircraft is sold by Gyll Hoyle, the widow of the last owner. Along with the ad on Hans' page was a picture displayed, which I added to the list entry for this aircraft.
26 Sep 2001 Received word from Hans Teijgeler that another French DR.1050 is advertised for sale in GA Buyer: "F-BJYP, s/n 254, TTAF 1500, TTE 1495, O-200. Dacron and overhaul 1999. 160.000 FrFr. Tel. +33 (0)2 99 77 15 49".
10 Sep 2001 Added some information about and a photo of Richard Marcone's homebuilt DR.1054 F-PSEB (s/n 732) taken from a webpage by Hans Teijgeler, and changed status of the aircraft from 'destroyed' to 'under repair'.
05 Sep 2001 A Swiss Jodel DR.1050, HB-SEW, s/n 223, is also for sale. It is owned by M. & H. Blanc and offered for 45'000 CHF. Engine 200 hours SMOH (in French: 'Potentiel de 1600 h'). Accompanying the ad I found a nice photo of the aircraft with the Alps as background.
05 Sep 2001 An early Jodel DR.1050, G-BHOL, s/n 35, is for sale by David G. Hart on for £17,000 as of this date. Aircraft has 3500 hours total and 1000 hours on the Continental O-200 engine. David has owned the aircraft for the last eleven years. Check production list for photo.
27 Jul 2001 Added pictures of Jodel DR.1050 F-BJJK (s/n 194), Jodel DR.1050 D-EATN (s/n 451), Jodel DR.1050-M F-BLJV (s/n 482), Jodel DR.1050 F-BMGH (s/n 567), Jodel DR.1051 F-PYET (s/n 700), Jodel DR.1052 F-PYKU (s/n 704), Jodel DR.1051-M1 F-PYXV (s/n 729), Jodel DR.1050-M F-PDTC (s/n 781), Jodel DR.1050-M1 F-PCMS (s/n 791), Jodel DR.1053-M F-PRAV (s/n 795), Jodel DR.1050-M F-PSIC (s/n 821), Jodel DR.100 F-PSVR (s/n 843), all taken by myself during the RSA 2001 Fly-In on 21./22. Jul 2001 at Chambley Airfield west of Metz in France.
25 Jul 2001 Added pictures of Jodel DR.1050 D-ELMO (s/n 210), DR.1050 D-EAVL (s/n 360), Jodel DR.1050 D-ELSO (s/n 396) and Jodel DR.1050-M Excellence D-EJEE (s/n 487), all taken by myself during the Nordenbeck 2001 Fly-In on 7./8. Jul 2001 at the Nordenbeck Airport in central Germany (EDGN).
18 Jul 2001 Added pictures of Jodel DR.1050-M1 OO-IPZ (s/n 2, the oldest DR.100 series aircraft still active), Jodel DR.100A F-BIVQ (s/n 85), Jodel DR.1051 OO-HGZ (s/n 301), Jodel DR.1051 F-BLMH (s/n 436) and Jodel DR.1051-M1 F-BLRQ (s/n 524), found on various internet sites. Also found previous owners and/or home bases of Jodel DR.1050 D-EDUG (s/n 186), Jodel DR.1051 F-BLMH (s/n 436), Jodel DR.1051 F-BLMO (s/n 445), Jodel DR.1051-M1 F-BLRQ (s/n 524), Jodel DR.1050-M1 G-AWVE (s/n 612) and Jodel DR.1050-M1 G-BITW (s/n 618).
18 Jul 2001 Jodel DR.1050-M1 Sicile Record G-AYYT (s/n 587) seems to be for sale in the online newsletter of the Bristol Strut of the PFA since Nov. 2000: "TTAF 3,240, TTE 630. CofA June 2002. Nav/Com, superb panel. Hangared and well maintained. One of the nicest examples with outstanding load carrying/performance/economy. Offers £24,500." Contact C. J. Turner.
16 Jul 2001 Added pictures of Jodel DR.1051-M1 OO-LME (s/n 432) and Jodel DR.1051 OO-LRF (s/n 511) from their for-sale ads on
16 Jul 2001 Found a reference from the French Air Accident Investigation Board (BEA) which says that homebuilt Jodel DR.1054 F-PSEB (s/n 732) was destroyed in a takeoff accident on 18 Jul 2000.
16 Jul 2001 Found a reference to the owner of one of the two DR.100 series aircraft in Finland: Jodel DR.1050 OH-JOB, s/n 204. Due to the Finnish language of the PDF-document deciphering might not have been completely correct ...
16 Jul 2001 Found the owner history of Jodel DR.1050 PH-ASE (s/n 142) on the homepage of the Vliegclub Teuge.
16 Jul 2001 Found a picture of Jodel DR.1051 F-GMMR, s/n 308.
16 Jul 2001 Found a picture of Jodel DR.1050-M1 SE-XIT (s/n 593), which was under restoration/repair for a number of years by Per-Åke Nyberg. Now it seems to aircraft is already flying or close to completion at Hallvikens Flygfält (ESNA), Sweden.
16 Jul 2001 Found a picture and some additional information about the only US-registered DR.1050, N1600J, built in 1965 under license by the Olson Aircraft Company.
03 Jul 2001
16 Jul 2001
Updates, corrections and additions to the entries of almost all UK-registered aircraft thanks to the new aircraft registration database of the UK CAA.
12 Jul 2001 Hans Teijgeler reports that Jodel DR.1050 OO-OSM (s/n 113) has been sold to Dutchman Bart Konings, who will keep the aircraft on a field near the Dutch-German border.
11 Jul 2001 Found a photo of Jodel DR.1050 OO-PHR s/n 97 on, photographed at Verviers / Theux (- Laboru) (EBTX) in Belgium on 18 Sep 1999 by Peter Vercruijsse.
10 Jul 2001 Received some good news today from Les Daglish: After months of repairs at Skycraft, Jodel DR.1051 Sicile G-AYLF (s/n 547) flew again for the forst time on 1 July 2001. The new owners, Les Daglish & Roy Twigg, have now moved the aircraft back to its home airstrip at Abbotsley, UK. I would also like to take the opportunity at this time to thank Dave Thomas for keeping me up-to-date on the progress of G-AYLF since its accident in Sept. 2000!
18 Jun 2001 Unfortunately I have to report the death of a fellow Jodel flyer from Switzerland and the destruction of Jodel DR.1051 Sicile HB-EEP (s/n 617). On 25 Nov 2000 the aircraft hit a cable from the aerial passenger line Attelas-Mont Gene near Verbier when it was flying enroute to Vol d'Alpes. The Swiss AAIB has so far only issued a preliminary report (PDF).
31 May 2001 Work on G-AYLF (s/n 547) progresses well: Dave Thomas reports that the aircraft is currently being re-assembled at Fenland and that the already overhauled engine is expected back shortly for installation.
31 May 2001 New pictures, found in the book "Bernay - Ciel d'Histoire" which I was able to obtain although it is unfortunately out of print: F-BJQM (s/n 27), which crashed 1971; probably F-BITA (s/n 52), as the picture indicates it is of the first aircraft with the 100 hp engine; F-BIVT (s/n 61), which was destroyed around 1966; F-BJYY (s/n 195), which is now G-AVOA and belongs to D. A. Willies; F-BNIO (s/n 493), which is now G-BXIO and belongs to D.N.K. & M.A.Symon and finally F-BOPC (s/n 494) which was destroyed sometime before 1980. Serial numbers 61, 76, 493 and 494 all belonged to the Club Aero de l'Arrondissement de Bernay (C.A.A.B.) when they were new, as the SAN Jodels were built at the Aerodrome de Bernay (LFPD) in France.
28 May 2001 Now a Belgian registered DR.1051 is also for sale: OO-LRF, s/n 511 is for sale by Jose Moreau since today on The aircraft is described as "TT only 1200h since new. Rebuild in 1990, dacron, perfect condition. Motor Potez.", but no sale price is indicated.
21 May 2001 Another German-registered DR.1050 for sale on D-ENFE (s/n 381), built by SAN in 1962. Stationed in northern Germany at Karlshöfen near Bremen (EDWK), the aircraft is offered for DM 25.000.
19 May 2001 Some news from Robin Sauvary about G-registered DR.1050: The registration of G-ATGP (s/n 122), which had a landing accident with major damage at Shobdon in Sep. 2000, was cancelled as withdrawn from use on 12 March 2001. And then the registration of G-ARUH (s/n 284), whose Certificate of Airworthiness expired 13 years ago in 1988, was finally cancelled on 10 April 2001.
09 May 2001 G-AVHL (s/n 90), which was put up for sale in June 2000, has been sold to new owner R. Tonkin. Home base is still Hethel, UK.
08 May 2001 G-BXYJ (s/n 143, ex F-BJNA) has been put into group ownership, with John Ward and Clive Brooke joining Bob Manning and John Dickinson as co-owners. Aircraft home base remains Netherhorpe Airfield near Sheffield (UK).
02 May 2001 Another DR.1050 is for sale: This time the German-registered D-EDUV, s/n 187, is for sale by Stefan Kühlbrey. The aircraft, based at Pattonville near Stuttgart, Germany, with 2380h TT, XPDR, VOR and new upholstery is offered for 19500 Euro negotiable.
23 Apr 2001 A current picture of F-BLMS, s/n 448, was found on Wayne Kilner's Jodel Picture Gallery and added to the list entry for this aircraft.
23 Apr 2001 News from Charlie McAlister, one of the owners of Jodel DR.105A G-AXLS, s/n 86: After the landing incident in 1999, the repairs to the aircraft have been finished and it is now flying again. G-AXLS can be found at Popham airfield, UK. A current picture of the aircraft was found on Wayne Kilner's Jodel Picture Gallery and added to the list entry for this aircraft.
03 Apr 2001 And yet another DR.100 series aircraft is for sale, this time a DR.1051-M1 with an ad in the UK Pilot Magazine: G-BYCS (s/n 201, ex F-BJUJ), owned by R. A. 'Nick' Bragger. Asking price £17,950.
03 Apr 2001 And still another DR.1050 is up for sale on UK Pilots World: G-BXYJ (s/n 143, ex F-BJNA), owned by Bob Manning in Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK. Asking price £23,800. 08 May 2001: Aircraft no longer for sale.
03 Apr 2001 Another DR.1050 is up for sale on Hans Teijgeler's OO-OSM (s/n 113, ex F-BJJD (1960-66), D-EINN (1966-1989), owned by Ron Lambriex. Asking price BEF 1.200.000 / EURO 29.747. Check out the ad for a detailed description and pictures of the aircraft, or the entry in the production list for some more information about its history.
02 Apr 2001 Good news for a change from George Blundell-Pound: G-AYEV (s/n 179), whose current state was somewhat mysterious (there were reports that it was destroyed, but also that it had a current registration in 1999), is alive and well. George, who is one of the owners of the aircraft which is based in Redhill, Surrey, England, reports that the aircraft sat at Redhill for 10+ years, but that it has enjoyed much more activity in the last few years since syndication including making trips back to Bernay for the annual UK Jodel Club fly-in. Thanks for the good news, George!
23 Mar 2001 Changes found on Hans Teijgeler's For Sale page on G-ARRD (s/n 274) which was put up for sale in early January 2001 was withdrawn from the market, and on 19 March 2001 G-AXUK (s/n 292), a DR.1050 based at Enstone, was put up for sale for £17,500 ono. Thanks for the hint, Hans ...
19 Mar 2001 Yesterday, I again got a tip from Hans Teijgeler with a lead to a PDF Document with Swiss Registration Information. This proved to be a very valuable source as I could find and/or verify the owners of the following Swiss DR100 series aircraft by means of this very current information: HB-EAI (s/n 16), HB-EMS (s/n 63), HB-SEW (s/n 223), HB-EBS (s/n 231), HB-EFR (s/n 318), HB-EFP (s/n 338), HB-EBZ (s/n 426), HB-EBM (s/n 446), HB-EBK (s/n 533), HB-KCC (s/n 535), HB-EEI (s/n 549), HB-EEW (s/n 568), HB-EEM (s/n 575), HB-EUK (s/n 609), HB-EEN (s/n 610), HB-EFT (s/n 619) and HB-EUO (s/n 625). Thanks for this great hint, Hans!
14 Mar 2001 On March 3, I received a very nice e-mail from Sébastien Dague, the son of Jean-Fraçois Dague, who is the owner of Jodel DR.1051 Sicile F-BMGE (s/n 562). He offered some details on his father's aircraft as well as a very nice picture of it, taken in the Valenciennes sky in 1993 (northern France, near Lille). Thanks Sébastien!
26 Feb 2001 Good news from Dave Thomas by e-mail: "G-AYLF (s/n 547) [which was involved in a landing accident in Sep 2000] is being rebuilt. Currently at Skycraft workshops for wing spar repair and recover and fuselage repair. Airframe repairs expected to be completed within the next few weeks. Aircraft has new syndicate with new owners."
17 Feb 2001 More information about French-registered aircraft from Robin Sauvary: F-BKHS (s/n 387), F-BKIV (s/n 309), F-BMGM (s/n 577), F-BMPE (s/n 596), F-BJNY (s/n 197) are no longer active, with all registrations but the one for s/n 197 already cancelled back in 1991/92. F-BKIV is pictured during takeoff at Falaise in 1985 in Xavier Massé's Jodel book. These removals bring the active total down to 245.
31 Jan 2001 Hans Teijgeler reports that F-BKIJ (s/n 305) has been sold as of 31 Jan 2001. New owners unknown at this time. If anybody knows who are the new owners or the aircraft's new home base, please send me an e-mail!
16 Jan 2001 During a phone conversion with Georg Klein (who is one of the owners of D-ECZC, s/n 28, which is currently undergoing a complete rebuild), he mentioned another Jodel: D-EJFR (s/n 406), which is currently owned by Peter Kotysch and stationed in Dortmund, Germany. According to Georg, Peter is a flight instructor and can give checkouts in the Jodel. If you are in need of his services, send me an e-mail and I'll put you in contact with him!
05 Jan 2001 While checking the For-Sale page on Hans Teijgeler's, I noticed that Jodel DR.1051 G-ARRD, s/n 274 is for sale for around £16,000. Contact Mike Mold for more information.

Old history information:

Lutz Gebhardt

Created: Wed Jun 14 18:11:56 CEST 2000
Last modified: Wed Nov 13 19:21:38 CET 2002